What Is Winglewood?

Apr 24, 2020 | 0 comments

Helen Fisher

Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.


What Is Winglewood?
Watch The Intro

Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.

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What Is Winglewood?

Watch The Intro


Winglewood brings a new structure to news!

It’s a structure that flips things on their head, and says we only see the real picture, when we broaden our perspective.
Everything effects everything else.
Whether we’re discussing ourselves or the environment this always holds true.

So to see solutions, we need to start seeing the connections between everything within our lives.

This short intro will take you through the thinking behind Winglewood.

This is the very beginning. This video explains my concepts, so now it’s time to start letting things unfold.

You can learn more about The Series Here, or read more About Winglewood Here.

And I’d like to welcome you to Winglewood in my next post.

This Post Is From Helen's Musings Blog.

In addition to the Six Series Helen also runs her Musings to voice her concepts & perspectives, which drive the thinking behind Winglewood & the Series.

Our Series Structure is designed to help us identify the relationships between the stories that affect our lives.


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