Welcome To Winglewood

Apr 24, 2020 | 2 comments

Helen Fisher

Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.


What Is Winglewood?
Watch The Intro

Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.

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What Is Winglewood?

Watch The Intro


Hello, I’m Helen!

I’ve created Winglewood as a platform that can help us all to learn more about taking better care of ourselves and the planet. Since I’m just getting off the starting line this video is a quick introduction to give you some insight in to the thinking behind the business.

Winglewood is all about finding solutions rather than reporting on problems. It’s a big ambition, but it’s one that I’m passionate about, and I know there many others who share in my enthusiasm for creating positive change in our lives.

Something I strongly believe in is that all of the issues in our lives are connected, so rather than focusing on specific environmental or social problems, I’ve created a structure of Series that help us to see things from a broader perspective.

This is the very beginning and I’d love to invite you to get involved.

I’ll be posting updates on social media, or you can keep up to date by email if you prefer (you can find all of the links in the footer.)

As I mentioned in the video, you can support Winglewood by creating a Membership. This is something that will continually evolve but the basic details can be found here.

I have so much content in the works already, and I’m really excited to finally be pressing launch on these posts!
Thank you for having a look through so early, if you know anyone who might be interested in what we’re doing, then please do share 🙂

If you’ve not seen it yet, then have a watch of the ‘What Is Winglewood’ video.

This Post Is From Helen's Musings Blog.

In addition to the Six Series Helen also runs her Musings to voice her concepts & perspectives, which drive the thinking behind Winglewood & the Series.

Our Series Structure is designed to help us identify the relationships between the stories that affect our lives.

  1. Jerry Moomaw

    No coments yet. Hmmm.
    I like it, Helen. My internet is so slow that it was a slog to watch that short video. But I stuck with it. I look forward to more content.
    I am right there with you on the need.

    • Helen Fisher

      Thanks Jerry, I really appreciate you sticking with it! I’m pretty familiar with that slog of an internet connection myself. There’s plenty more content on the way so I hope you’ll find it of interest 🙂


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