Regenerative Agriculture – The Impact Of Food

Oct 22, 2020 | 0 comments

Helen Fisher

Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.


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Helen Fisher

Helen is the creator of Winglewood. Learn about her story on the About Page.

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I’ve said that I was eager to highlight the connections between our stories. I think it’s a great way to demonstrate the knock on effect that an improvement in one area of our lives can have upon an other.
(And show how bizarrely simple our problems could be if we really shifted our focus in this way.)

Well in this post I’d like to stay true to that.
After jotting out all manner of information on the knock on effects of how what we eat affects the oceans, I had a change of plan. It seemed that it may be more effective to get the point across visually, so I focused on this short video instead.
It doesn’t fully explore the connections but the message feels crisper and clearer this way.

So what’s the point.

We all eat everyday, it’s something that can’t be avoided. So if there’s one area of our lives that we can make a little shift that would ripple out towards a big difference, this could be it. Perhaps for many of us, it starts with our food.

The power to make change is in each of our hands. It’s not down to governments who are endless trying to remain popular with the voters, listening to all the loud voices of commerce, and trying to balance each side of the scales (no wonder nothing happens at any pace). We have the ability to make the difference ourselves, one step at a time. But we too are in a battle of our own. Changing our patterns requires dependable information to give us some confidence, along with practicality and affordability.
So where do we really start?

Developments Within Regenerative Agriculture Are Escalating.

For the consumer, we don’t really know what that means. And for the farmer, that’s a whole lot of new territory to be explored. Finding ways to inform us people who eat the food, about why it’s so wonderful to support regenerative agriculture, isn’t always on a small producers main list of priorities.

Throughout the Fantasy Fast Food series, I’d like to help us bridge this gap.
To provide us ‘eaters’ with a break down of what should really matter to us when choosing our food. And I can only do this by involving those at the other end of the field too. The scientists, the farmers, the ecologists.
We don’t want to overwhelm our minds with every detail, but in a world that’s so rapidly changing, our current knowledge varies from misleading branding to complete void.
The power is in our hands, but only if we can get clued up.

The passion for good food is so strong throughout our cultures, let’s re-educate on what its production means for our world.

It’s no exaggeration to suggest that the morsels on our plates are so connected with everything around us, that they affect the state of our oceans. I hope this gives some food for thought as we get ready to dive in deeper, learning about these fascinating impacts that our choices can make.

I’m currently reaching out and working on interviews with people knowledgeable on all aspects of regenerative agriculture. If you have insights to share then I’d love to hear from you!

You can read the introduction to Fantasy Fast Foods here.
And to keep up to date with what we’re bringing out be sure to follow on your favourite social channel (links in footer), or subscribe by email.

This Post Is From The Fantasy Fast Food Series.

Where we explore the concept that what's healthy for us, is healthy for the planet.

Read The Series Introduction.

Our Series Structure is designed to help us identify the relationships between the stories that affect our lives.

This Post Is From
The Fantasy Fast Food Series.

Read The Series Introduction.

Our Series Structure is designed to help us identify the relationships between the stories that affect our lives. WHAT IS THE SERIES STRUCTURE?


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